
Silver Screen Movie Scenes

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Location: Madison, WI, Greenland

aka Curt Wild aka Philbert Zanzibar aka Afrika Bambaataa aka Jon-Fu aka Nick Adams

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

American Medical Association, You're just Glib!

From today, more big Tom Cruise News...perhaps it's time for Scientology to begin ritual sacrifice of an over-the-hill celebrity, as part of reaching planet Theta, or whatever they do when they are bored and can't spend enough money:

Tom Cruise has been slammed for buying a sonogram machine for his pregnant fiancee Katie Holmes, with health experts warning that he's putting his unborn child at risk. Officials at the American College of Radiology (ACR) are highly concerned by Cruise's revelation that he purchased the device to track his child's progress, and they're warning him that he could be breaking the law if he's carrying out the scans himself. Dr. Carol M. Rumack, of the ACR Ultrasound Commission, says, "This is a patient safety issue. Untrained people, even if they have the financial means, should not buy, or be allowed to buy and operate, ultrasound machines which are, in fact, medical devices and should not be used without a medical indication. Images of the fetus are an opportunity to diagnose problems before birth that may require treatment. These images should be obtained by certified technologists under the supervision of physicians properly trained in ultrasound... The ACR is concerned that Tom Cruise has been badly advised regarding the use and potential abuse of ultrasound. There are many abnormalities that may be missed by the untrained eye. Also, if it is not medically necessary, the use of ultrasound raises unnecessary physical risk to the fetus."


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